When my third used car left me stranded on the side of the road, I decided that I would contact my credit union and go shopping for my perfect vehicle. It took quite some time going from lot to lot, dealing with aggressive salespeople, and scooting in and out of a myriad of cars, trucks, and vans. I was looking for a comfortable seat. I already was experiencing back and leg pain from arthritis and figured it would only get worse as I aged.
By far the truck that I ended up with was the most comfortable seat of all. It had a high back, the neck was perfect, plenty of leg room, and lower lumbar support. It also was an extend cab which allowed me to pull the seat back. I am tall for a woman and have long legs. I need leg room. The extra cab space is quite useful for shopping bags. agility
I have a tendency to put the pedal to the metal and I am aware of this fact. I cannot be trusted in a vehicle with a lot of horsepower so the fact that the truck came in a 4-cylinder was terrific for me. I didn’t intend to haul anything heavier than groceries so I didn’t need the extra power. This, of course, allotted me excellent gas mileage.
I call her my foo-foo-pretty-girlie truck complete with bells on the rearview mirror, and lace on the dashboard and a beautiful handwoven rug on the passenger seat. Now she sports a lovely tonneau cover and a locking end gate. Many women don’t consider having a truck, but I don’t think I’d ever have anything else. It is so convenient to have the large truck bed available when I need the extra space.
I have taken her in to service at the dealers, and despite vicious rumors, I have always paid a reasonable price for labor and received excellent service. I am now just a few thousand miles short of 200,000 miles on my girl and she’s still running faithfully and has never left me stranded and alone.
She doesn’t look old. When people discover that she is indeed fifteen years old this year they have a hard time believing. She’s worn well over the years as have I and I expect we’ll both be ticking for quite a few more. She’s a 1996 Toyota Tacoma Extend Cab.