In Singapore, divorce is a 2 stage process for uncontested and contested divorces. In the 1st stage, the dissolution of the marriage happens in which the court is deciding whether the marriage is irretrievably broken or what. If it is true, then the court will grant the interim judgment for officially dissolving the marriage.
In the 2nd stage, divorce is known as the stage of the ancillary matter. In this, the court will decide on how the affairs of the parties can be dealt with. This affair includes child custody and spousal maintenance.
Parties will only be able to apply for making the interim judgment after the final 3 months. This can be done after receiving the case or after setting the ancillary matters whichever is later. The parties will then receive the Certificate of the Final judgment and this will conclude the divorce procedures Singapore.
Eligibility for divorce procedures in Singapore
- If you are looking for the divorce, then the spouse must meet the below eligibility requirements under the section of 93 and 94 of the Women’s charter.
- At the point of divorce, the Spouse must be a domicile of Singapore or resident in Singapore from the last 3 years before the proceeding of the divorce.
- Been married for the last 3 years unless the party who is filing the divorce has suffered from exceptional unreasonable hardship and cruel behavior.
- If you are married under Muslim law, then the above requirement would apply to you. You need to look specifically at divorce under Muslim law.